
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Exam Time

This semester passed by so fast; exams are already approaching. In fact, they are next week! I feel that the schedule this semester is a little bit tighter, because in previous years I have had a lot more time to study for exams.

Anyway,  below are the exams that I will have:
  • Monday morning: Advanced Functions
  • Tuesday morning: Biology
  • Thursday afternoon: Data Management
  • Friday morning: Economics

My main challenge would be advanced functions and biology, since they are on the first two days and I have less time to study for them.

However, the ones that are the most important are advanced functions and data management, as these two courses are most likely become part of my top six for university. 

I will need to start studying for the exams... today.

Note: This post was created in the second semester of grade 11.