
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Encryption Program

For the posts that contain things that I don't want others to see, I have encrypted them with my special encryption program so that only I will be able to decipher the code.

However, if for whatever reason I lose the code of my encryption program, I will not be able to decipher my posts. So I decided to post my code onto my Blog as well. So yeah, this post really is just for me...

(Note: a keyword is required on top of the program, and this is why I am comfortable with posting my code)

import java.awt.*;
import hsa.Console;
public class Encrypt
    static Console c;           // The output console
    static String keyword;
    static String line;
    static boolean decipher =false;
    static int multiplier;
    static String inFile;
    static String outFile;

    public static int change (int original, int key, int min, int max, int hi)
        int result = 0;
        if (hi == -1)
            result = original - key;

            while (result < min || result > max)

                if (result < min)
                    result = max - min + 1 + result;
                    result = min - max - 1 + result;

            for (int x = min ; x <= max ; x = x + 1)
                if (change (x, key, min, max, -1) == original)
                    return x;

        return result;

    public static String convert (String text, String key)
        int index = -1;
        String newString = "";
        int num;
        for (int x = 0 ; x < text.length () ; x = x + 1)
            if ((text.charAt (x) >= 'a' && text.charAt (x) <= 'z') || (text.charAt (x) >= 'A' && text.charAt (x) <= 'Z') || (text.charAt (x) >= '0' && text.charAt (x) <= '9'))
                index = index + 1;
                if (index >= key.length ())
                    index = 0;
                // c.println (((text.charAt (x))) + " " + ((key.charAt (index))) + " " + (int) ('A') + " " + (int) ('Z'));
                if (text.charAt (x) >= 'a' && text.charAt (x) <= 'z')
                    num = change ((int) (text.charAt (x)), (int) (key.charAt (index)), (int) ('a'), (int) ('z'), multiplier);

                else if (text.charAt (x) >= 'A' && text.charAt (x) <= 'Z')
                    num = change ((int) (text.charAt (x)), (int) (key.charAt (index)), (int) ('A'), (int) ('Z'), multiplier);
                    num = change ((int) (text.charAt (x)), (int) (key.charAt (index)), (int) ('0'), (int) ('9'), multiplier);
                newString = newString + (char) (num);
                newString = newString + text.charAt (x);
                index = 0;
        return newString;

    public static void save ()
        keyword = c.readString ();
        BufferedReader input = null;
        PrintWriter output = null;

            input = new BufferedReader (new FileReader (inFile));
            output = new PrintWriter (new FileWriter (outFile));

            while (true)

                line = input.readLine ();
                if (line.equalsIgnoreCase ("end"))
                line = convert (line, keyword);
                output.println (line);

            input.close ();
            output.close ();
        catch (Exception e)
                input.close ();
                output.close ();
            catch (Exception f)

            c.print (e.toString ());

    public static void main (String[] args)
        c = new Console ();
        if (decipher)
            multiplier = 1;
            inFile = "Code.txt";
            outFile = "Actual.txt";
            multiplier = -1;
            outFile = "Code.txt";
            inFile = "Actual.txt";
        save ();
        c.print ("Finished");
} // Password: *******y***

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